The FULL MOON DAY in the month of May is fast becoming the most important celebration in the international Buddhist year.

The date changes every year because of the lunar calendar.

But now Buddhists all around the world are beginning to choose the May Full Moon to come together in the spirit of Peace, Compassion, and Wisdom.

BIG BUDDHA DAY is pure and simple... come together on that day, somewhere nice near where YOU are, and SIT together for 1 hour...


Why not join in ?
Or even organise your own Big Buddha Day?

See sidebar for details of how to organise one - it is very easy...

Please join us wherever YOU are!

Don't forget to take photos to inspire and share with us!


If you are inspired to, why not network with us and start something where YOU live?
We can enter into dialogue with you and support you every step of the way, if that would be helpful.

Just study and contemplate exactly what we are envisioning, and decide how you may wish to be part of that.

If you want to be part of this new development, all you have to do is:

  • act as an individual or as a non-denominational group
  • getting something going in your area, no matter how small
  • create your own blogsite on with the web address
  • clearly link to our main site
Then we can link to your site from ours... its THAT simple.
The most important thing is that we have a pure heart and mind for the benefit of beings.